This is almost a year old, but it’s very much worth reading the following paragraph (written in the context of social media sharing and the Pew report) while thinking about AAC

Over the last few years, I’ve watched as teens have given up on controlling access to content. It’s too hard, too frustrating, and technology simply can’t fix the power issues. Instead, what they’ve been doing is focusing on controlling access to meaning. A comment might look like it means one thing, when in fact it means something quite different. By cloaking their accessible content, teens reclaim power over those who they know who are surveilling them. This practice is still only really emerging en masse, so I was delighted that Pew could put numbers to it. I should note that, as Instagram grows, I’m seeing more and more of this. A picture of a donut may NOT be about a donut. While adults worry about how teens’ demographic data might be used, teens are becoming much more savvy at finding ways to encode their content and achieve privacy in public.

via [danah boyd apophenia » thoughts on Pew’s latest report: notable findings on race and privacy](

We went into some of the issues surrounding this in our book chapter on AAC as a liminal vanguard.