A weekly list of things I’m grateful for - it’s been 371 weeks since I started doing these.
It has been a very good few days. We’ve seen friends, successfully navigated the start of school and I myself, and I say this quite guardedly, am feeling quite a bit more cheerful than I have been recently.
I’m grateful for friends that change your life with a phone call. That last night I sat up and had ideas that I got excited about in a way I haven’t got excited for ages. For the simple effectiveness of paper and pen. For friendly schools, for surprise books, and for air conditioning.
I’m glad that I’ve been able to be a listening ear for some people; I’ve had immense amounts of support recently (and forever) and it feels… affirming(?) to be able to pay a little of that back.
I’m most obviously grateful for a smooth start to the term: Leo has had a lovely calm introduction to nursery, Nova has sailed quietly into Year 1. The logistics I was worried about (Can I make it from Nova’s school to Leo’s nursery in time for drop off? Will Nova be okay riding next to the running buggy? Can I still run with any level of confidence? ) have melted away and I managed to get children to the right locations with the right things in their bags (Admittedly Kat mostly packed the bags).
I’m really happy I got to have one last one on one day with Leo at the start of term, and that Leo has learned “Attack hug” which is one of the best things a 3 year old can yell at you.
I went to Judo! Thank you to the team at Luton Judo Club for welcoming me.
I’m thankful to my past self for setting a calendar event for ‘Fill confirmation statement’ and leaving exact instructions - I have zero memory of writing them but I was very pleased to find them.