Leo looking happy

A weekly list of things I’m grateful for - it’s been 377 weeks since I started doing these.

  • Colder weather!
  • Nova would like it recorded that they won a prize drawer at school.
  • Another couple of nights at Judo - I really want to develop a consistent habit there.
  • The shelves I built with my new saw (they aren’t finished yet, otherwise I’d be spamming you with photos)
  • Kat building a mini-waterpark for the kids in the garden - I had lots of fun throwing various family members down the slip and slide
  • Last (and I think first?) BBQ of the year - including whole roasted pineapple which is amazing
  • Reading some pleasantly trashy books

I’ve also been feeling a little better overall; I’ve got more energy (that I’m pouring into all sorts of activities) and a little bit more of a positive outlook. I don’t want to jinx anything but I think I might be pulling myself out of my funk a bit - although I do also feel like I’ve got too many projects running at once.