This week’s gratitude - it’s been 377 weeks since I started doing these.
I’m grateful to all friends and neighbours for our lovely bespoke exclusive and calm local trick or treating (it’s literally the only time we chat to people in our road!) and to Claire and co for then letting us come to the borderline Mardi Gras experience of their trick or treating.
Thank you to Ellie and Clare for Nova’s drama day and yet another Clare for taking the time to keep me sane.
For people NOT called Cla(i)re - thank you to all my trustees for being positive and amazing and generally exceeding expectations of wonderfulness. Thank you to Luton School Of Judo for a lovely workout and Windsor Judo Club for near killing me.
I’m grateful for dentists, Leo cycling more confidently, new games, lie-ins time to do DIY, the way Leo plays with new friends, Nova reading on their own, homemade chocolate brownies, Libby, a solid pair of parents evenings, taking both kids to the fireworks display, and listening to Nova and Leo chat to each other.
I’m grateful for wonderful colleagues, students doing exciting projects and people doing my marking for me.