We are all wearing matching PJs

This week’s gratitude - it’s been 377 weeks since I started doing these.

It’s been a second brutal week. Nova followed the other two into illness, but with much more vomiting although they pulled through in 48 hours.

So: positives…

First of all I’m so happy that everybody is back to full strength and is at work/school/gymnastics. It’s nice to have anyone semi-conscious on the sofa.

I’n super thankful I’m in a great team at work: this week people variously sent messages of support, worked the weekend so my students got their marks on time, dropped everything for me to spend an hour ranting on a Friday afternoon and the, like, six, people who moved lots of things around so I could stay home on Monday and look after everybody.

I’m grateful that Leo nailed their nativity performance (they played ‘king with a vague idea of the words’) and that we could swap tickets so that both Kat and I could see it.

I’m thankful that the car was “a little bit broken” rather than “completed messed up”