Chart showing the size of the personal list over time

Public Todo List

My todo list is public. It’s split into three parts. My personal list, my eQuality Time list and my RHUL teaching list. The personal and EQT lists are public and I’ll gradually move the RHUL to being more and more public as time goes on.

Each list also has an associated ‘stress’ chart. In general high red lines arebad (they are tasks that are older than sevens). Above you can see the combined ‘ultimate stress’ chart.

It’s updated every hour or so when my machine is running. That script also updates a chart showing the size of the lists over time.

Personal list

Chart showing the size of the personal list over time

(A) process emotional todo list.  
(C) Prepare Richard's New Lease 
(B) 05 Pick another new night for games night with Kat and then immediately message people @offline
(B) Make sure that all open github issues are in  the priority project with
(C) 20  Write a 'this is where we'll be as a family next year 
(C) 20 Buy the bedroom ikea furniture @online 
(C) 3. Bring work timesheet into balance @singleton
(C) Check you have ingredients for three levels of keto - salad - scrabmled tofu
(C) Upload new version of the memory book to amazon 
(C) Review and re-score  Wheel Of life
(D) 10 Cut wood for discovered cupboard @offline 
(D) Check starred messages in kat whatsapp 
(D) Clean out Fridge
(D) Helmet training for leo 
(D) Send something to the grandparent whatsapp group
(E) 05 - Lookup the Kat Memory palace again @online
(E) 05 Make a date for a family climbing  
(E) 06 Book dental hydenist 
(E) 10 Brainstorm on  a long term solution for phone photo storage 
(E) 10 Put the array into the physics constants 
(E) 10 Setup remote control for air conditioning @offline 
(E) 10 Start cupboard sorting project  @offline
(E) 15 Take new photo of the mirror setup  @offline
(E) 20 Use ChatGPT to improve the photo import script - include sidecar files and prompt for overwriting them @online
(E) 20 watch home videos on bigdisk @tower @offline
(E) 30 Drill holes for supports in inspection pit  @offline 
(E) 30 Fix the shelves in the garage  @offline (MAYBE  measure ) 
(E) 30 Lookup how to Setup shares account  @online 
(E) 90 Write out full review of the memory palace.  +paper @offline
(E) Any Chocolate should be in the car or outside fridge (assuming winter)  
(E) Arrange to see §e:U2FsdGVkX1+CdjDvzorpn6gqbv9OgwzT/wXTpMNKWc4=§
(E) Check Passports are in the safe
(E) Check ranking scripts +Overhead
(E) Check the last time §e:U2FsdGVkX18e4dSc7UPajr6opVoESIiCeqyZawbCs2Q=§ called you +Family @phone   
(E) Check wishlist
(E) Check £40 in Wallet +Overhead   @phone 
(E) Compile a pdf from the 'kdpversion' branch of memory book 
(E) Confirm plans for next two weekends.+Overhead @phone   
(E) Contact §e:U2FsdGVkX18YzL62ZWaIGXGiMMQ+Iuvx81cvznpIv1k=§ for advice about something  
(E) Cut Nova and Leo nails +Health    
(E) Cut nails +Health    
(E) Do Menu for the week +Family  @phone   
(E) Do full review of the memory palace. 
(E) Do something genuinely nice for §e:U2FsdGVkX1/jHkQjxS8m0DEs/epwc3SIRl2yYxHMBzc=§ +Family
(E) Empty Joe inbox completely +Overhead    
(E) Empty whatsapp and facebook inboxes. +Overhead  
(E) Floss +Health   
(E) Get a spare garage key 
(E) Give laptop screen a good clean +Overhead
(E) Go though documents folder and put everything you want to save in Dropbox.
(E) Go thought calendar and find at least one 'thank you's  you *can* make  +Overhead  
(E) Go through phone and save all of the numbers +Overhead  @phone   
(E) Listen to  Randy Pausch Talk +Overhead @phone  
(E) Log weight +Health   
(E) Look at list of topics and ring §e:U2FsdGVkX19WbLrOTMYO0bkqz6MOP/OQe8b1WJ4GTb0=§ +Family @phone   
(E) Lookup lighter bike for Nova  
(E) Post to Sibling Facebook group  @phone   
(E) Post to Vegan Facebook group  @phone   
(E) Publicly thank someone +Overhead  
(E) Put iplayer on Playstation 
(E) Raise Nova seat even more. 
(E) Replace the band on the white headphones
(E) Review (days since) app counts +Overhead 
(E) Review your highlights and notes from Kindle books (  (  +Overhead
(E) Save a nice family memory +Family @phone    
(E) TSE +Health  
(E) Take Nova to go and sit son some bikes 
(E) Trim nose hair +Health    
(E) Update Goodreads with the current book and your progress +Overhead  @phone   
(E) Vitamin Tablet +Health   
(E) Write Moonpig cards for this month +Overhead
(E) process Garage inbox. 

Work list

Chart showing the size of the work list over time

(A) 30 open the Known headteachers file and move it forward @online
(A) Reconcile and get trustee to pay a thing 
(A) 50 put all all expenses into quickbooks   @online
(A) Start writing strategy document 
(B) 05 Add all the tasks about backing up 
(B) 40 Update cash flow and send it to Andy 
(B) Journal entry for ovf funds 
(B) Make sure the github issues are in the right columns +Overhead +EQT
(C) 10  Map out a goal-linkage project - you haven't mapped a project in ages
(C) 10 Put FLowers For Turing Report in Social media 
(C) Run mgit status on the git directory and process all alerts +EQT
(C) Run multi-git-status on both aws servers to make sure all code is uploaded.  +EQT
(D) Do full accounts algorithm +EQT 
(E) 05 Post to WWW facebook page +EQT  @phone   
(E) 10 Process the Barking expenses (on laptop)
(E) 10 Review starred items in feeds +Overhead +EQT @online
(E) 10 Thoroughly test Claude with some previous things I've asked  @online
(E) 15 Text Nova's friend's mum about schools  @offline
(E) 20 Review four more policies  @offline
(E) 20 Search for any OpenVoiceFactory work 
(E) 25 Review Funding website @online
(E) 30 Send the next set of OVF emails  @online
(E) 40 Read the last www book  +EQT @offline
(E) 50 Watch the youtube list 
(E) Ask for testimonial from completed fundings +EQT
(E) Backup AWS +EQT
(E) Brainstorm making the RHUL list public What do I need to do to make sure that my RHUL list is public 
(E) Check that everything in the 'in process' box really does have a task+Overhead   +EQT
(E) Check the next school time +EQT  
(E) Download the amazon months sales figures +EQT
(E) Grant terms generally mean that every director has to have seen all of the paperwork: make sure they have +EQT
(E) Learn something new about vim in +EQT  
(E) Look at the funding and prize things you were refused for last year and see if you can still apply +EQT
(E) Make sure that there is a 'read book X' task on the projects board - it's relaxing.  +EQT
(E) Make sure you have a continual professional developement practice happening  +EQT
(E) Open list of projects to be funded +EQT
(E) Post to WWW facebook page +EQT  @phone   
(E) Process the 'to put in Evernote' folder and add to database +Overhead   +EQT 
(E) Read the last www book  +EQT
(E) Review starred items in feeds +Overhead +EQT
(E) Ring up every funder currently funding you and be nice to them and check you have all of your paperwork and everything else. Make sure that you are a pleasure to work with. That way they fund you again +EQT
(E) Search for funding for eQuality Time Projects +EQT
(E) Spend 20 minutes or so considering the fruits of long term goals +Overhead +EQT

RHUL list

Chart showing the size of the work list over time